Thursday, January 04, 2007

50 Random Questions (Part Two)

1. Red or Pink? Red
2. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? that I’m too forgiving ..
3. Who do you miss the most? Marcielle
4. Eye color? Dark Brown
5. Do you wear contacts? No
6. What do you hope for most in life? Wisdom
7. Are you in a relationship? No
8. Hugs or Kisses? Kisses
9. Do you hate more than 3 people? Hate is too big of a word ..
10. Are you shy around the opposite sex? No, why would I be?
11. Do you prefer an ocean or a pool? an ocean
12. Do you know how to drive stick? sure I do
13. Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos? No, sorry
14. Do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat? Aisle
15. What was your first pet? a rabbit
16. Have you ever had braces? No
17. Can you fix a men’s tie? Sure I can
18. Have you ever run out of gas? No, thank god for that
19. What do you dip a chicken nugget in? barbecue sauce
20. Is anyone in the room with you right now? No
21. What did you do 3 nights ago? Went out with a friend for dinner
22. Are you in love? No
23. Has anyone told you a secret this week? No :(
24. Did you watch cartoons as a child? yeah
25. Do you like yourself? If I didn’t I wouldn’t be me ..
26. Do you trust people easily? Not really
27. What’s you mobile ring tone? Nokia tune mid
28. What’s the fourth letter in your name? m
29. Last spending splurge? shoes at Saks
30. What was the last book you read? I’m currently reading Persuasion
31. Last word you said? Basheh
32. Last Song you listened to? by your side
33. How old will you be in five years? hmm 29-30
34. How tall are you? about 5’4
35. What do you look forward to most in the next six weeks? going to France
36. What is your favorite board game? hotels and monopoly
37. What are you wearing right now? jeans and a top
38. Where is your favorite place to be? Italy and San Francisco
39. Where is your least favorite place to be? Out in the cold
40. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years? Probably in the states ..
41. Do you tan or burn? tan
42. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? Chucky
43. Do you read the newspaper? yes if there’s one around
44. How big is your bed? Queen
45. How many states have you lived in? 6
46. What is your favorite ice cream? Persian ice cream
47. What is your favorite dessert? Éclair
48. What time did you wake up this morning? 9 am
49. What was the last note you scribbled on a piece of paper? a friend's address
50. Can you Tango? hell yes



Blogger Dr.Lost said...

shotgun :)

1/04/2007 8:54 PM  
Blogger Dr.Lost said...

i have the same answers as you for the following:

1,4,5,7,8,10,12,13,16,17(everday thing :(
18,19,20,22,25,26,47 (Love eclairs)

oh and your new name is "shortie" from now on ;p j/k im a 5'9 ;p

1/04/2007 9:08 PM  
Blogger Baskin™ said...

hello there.
i came by to tell you that i posted part 2 ;)

1/05/2007 7:49 AM  
Blogger Honey™ said...

i loved your stuff ;)

but i would say pink ;)

1/07/2007 12:33 AM  
Blogger Chica Bonita Q8 said...

dr. lost: that doesn't count it's without heals ;)

baskin: thank you, I'll be sure to check it out ..

honey: thanks :)

1/07/2007 4:17 AM  
Blogger Caffeinated said...

I recently learned how to drive a manual car...It's cool that you know how to, much respect! :)

1/07/2007 10:43 AM  
Blogger Chica Bonita Q8 said...

caffeinated: thank you :)

1/08/2007 12:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very interesting!!!

1/08/2007 3:33 PM  
Blogger the tooth.fairy said...

Interesting I would say. And impressed, about the monopoly part :P I LOVE IT

1/08/2007 4:59 PM  
Blogger Dr.Lost said...

well 5'9'' is without heels for me as well ;p so it does count now doesnt it? :) how you enjoyin kuwait btw? not stayin for long?

1/08/2007 5:26 PM  
Blogger Common_Sense said...

loved the chucky answer hehee

1/09/2007 12:33 AM  
Blogger Chica Bonita Q8 said...

maze: thanks :D

tooth fairy: yeah I love that game, I recall the endless nights when we used to beg friends to sell boardwalk :P

doctor lost: trying to make the most of it while it lasts :) I'm leaving in about 3 weeks ..

common sense: heh yeah it freaked me out for a while ..

1/10/2007 7:10 AM  
Blogger Dakhtour said...

U're the 1st girl i guess who prefer kisses to hugs! a rare one ;)

41. Do you tan or burn? What the hell does burn mean! I guess nobody in the world would do that!

Anyways cool answers and nice blog here :)

1/11/2007 6:38 PM  
Blogger Dr.Lost said...

ignore zizo, he's retarded and uneducated :)

1/12/2007 5:45 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i can't tango .... damn it

1/12/2007 2:40 PM  
Blogger Chica Bonita Q8 said...

zizotime: heh thank you

dr.lost: lol 7aram

ali: it's never too late to learn, besides, 'there are no mistakes in the tango if you get all tangled up just tango on' ;)

1/13/2007 9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice list girl :)

1/16/2007 12:21 PM  
Blogger Chica Bonita Q8 said...

muchas gracias senorita ;)

1/17/2007 2:08 PM  

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